Monday, April 23, 2012

Crowdsourcing: PART TWO (dum dum dummm)

I designed a webpage called "This is My Face". The idea behind this was to see how much of person's personality could be portrayed through one shot--and that behind every face is a story. It's also an opportunity for people to post pictures of their friends' faces and tell the site who they are and why their face is important to them. Here it is:

Crowdsourcing #3: Postsecret

Mailed in a post card to this site; it displays "secrets" on a bunch of colorful, random post card from a bunch of random people...brilliant idea! These people don't even know each other or where they're from, but they bond over these anonymous secrets.


Crowdsourcing #2: My Amazing Butt

Submitted a picture of my friends' butts at

Crowdsourcing #1: Man With A Movie Camera

Attempted to upload remake of a 2.17s shot long of a drummer during the theater scene, but kept getting this page: (500 Internal Server Error!)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Questions of Manovich Reading

1. Since new media is more interactive than old media due to its' unique elements and presentation, does this make new media more creative or more of a work of art than old media?

2. How does the interactive work of new digital media relate to the hands on work of studio art in terms of being interactive and unique?
Re-done Tactical Media Project