Monday, April 23, 2012

Crowdsourcing: PART TWO (dum dum dummm)

I designed a webpage called "This is My Face". The idea behind this was to see how much of person's personality could be portrayed through one shot--and that behind every face is a story. It's also an opportunity for people to post pictures of their friends' faces and tell the site who they are and why their face is important to them. Here it is:


  1. I like your idea but I think it could be pushed further. It would be interesting if the viewer could write stories based on the submitted photographs. Maybe participants could submit their photo and story so people could compare their written stories with who the people really are. I think this would fit better with your premise of "first impressions" and judgement. Your design works well in that it is active and reads very easily.

  2. it seems like a knock off of facebook, but the idea is there

  3. I like the idea. I know that there are a lot of faces that portray people in the wrong light. It would be fun to have them post their face, and then what they do in the world. Like the guy with the mean scowl look is really a baby dr. of so on...
    Great idea though girl :)

  4. I agree with peeta! its interesting but push it a little more.

  5. That is actually what I really meant...maybe I should have wrote it differently on there or added more.

  6. The background design is neat. I think if you had a name under one of the photos, it would add something to it. But this is just a nit-pick.

  7. yeah I agree with Austin, I like the background. The way it's laid out is interesting. But as the others have also said maybe it could be pushed more. As could a lot of our pages actually. It looks good.

  8. It is an interesting idea, when photography first became prevalent artist began to focus on how many still pictures it takes to show movement. This is a similar idea, and i like it!

  9. I enjoy the concept as well as the interactiveness of the page

  10. I had the same thoughts as Peter. Great idea, and it has a lot of potential to be very funny or very awakening. However, the option to make up a story about a face you see then compare with the true facts would be fun.

  11. Im a believer of "less is more". The web layout is a lot visually, for me. But i do like the idea for your project.
